Author - Phineas MBANGO

University of South Africa, South Africa, ORCID: 0000-0003-1792-4122


The Mediating Effect of Student Satisfaction on Loyalty in South African Open Distance E-Learning Institutions

Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced traditional Open Distance electronic Learning (ODeL) institutions and residential universities. It has prompted them to consider distance learning using technological advancement. However, student loyalty is a challenge to achieve and sustain in distance learning. Thus, this study seeks to determine the mediating effect of student satisfaction on student loyalty. The study also sought to examine the mediating effect of satisfaction on the impact of commitment, institutional reputation, service quality, trust, and perceived value on loyalty. The study used a quantitative approach and online survey to collect data. The study used the partial least squares structural equation modeling technique to test the proposed model. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between the constructs. However, commitment showed a partial influence on student satisfaction. Furthermore, satisfaction partially mediates the impact of...

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Phineas MBANGO

A Framework for Achieving Student Loyalty in Open Distance Electronic Learning (ODeL) Institutions

Approximately 90% of students enrolled in public universities participated in online learning programs in 2020 in South Africa, yet these institutions are found to be lacking in adapting and serving the new demand for distance learning effectively. This has highlighted the need to undertake the current study to develop a framework for attaining student loyalty in an ODeL institution in the higher education sector in South Africa. A quantitative approach using the survey method was used to collect data. A total of 1430 responses were received from students who were purposely sampled using online questionnaires. A partial least square structural equation (PLS) technique was used to analyze data and to test the research model proposed for the study. This study has innovated a comprehensive framework of student loyalty that can be implemented in ODeL institutions. Although the results reveal a positive relationship between all the constructs studied, of significant outcome is the higher...

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